Thanks for your interest and support to the translation project. Your moral, spiritual and financial help is highly appreciated and totally necessary for this ministry.
If you would like to be part of this project, these are the areas where you can participate:
Moral Support:
If you live around our work area, you can visit us at our office, we need volunteers to promote the Bible in the Jakaltek villages, and this consists in going directly to the communities, home to home and read them the translated books or if you are a native Popti’ speaker you will be a great help for us in the revision of clarity of the translation.
Financial Support:
The Bible translation ministry needs resources to cover all types of expenses and needs and there are different ways to help:
You can deposit your offering to the BANRURAL (Bank) Account #3035029849 to AECM JAKALTEKO (contact us and ask for your receipt)
(Only in Guatemala) you can send a check and write it to AECM (contact us and ask for your receipt)
if you rather give in cash, you can do it directly to the AECM office (contact us and ask for your receipt)
When you buy one or more Bibles, you are helping to print more Bibles, please contact us to know how you can get your Bible. We have the “Get your Bible” program and you can be part of it.
Call us!
If you live outside of Guatemala, contact us, we will be able to give you all the information needed. In the US, there are companies where you can wire your offering through BANRURAL Bank, or we will provide you a name to send it. (contact us and ask for your receipt)
Spiritual Support:
Dear brothers and sisters, your prayers are the engine that keeps us moving, we ask you to pray for us and that God keeps us under his wings and guides us during all this process of the Bible Translation.
Thanks a lot and may God bless you.
“ For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14